IBM developer kits – IBM JDKs with a list of supported platforms Java Platform, Standard Edition Installation Guide – Oracle Java SE documentation Java SE Downloads – Oracle is the lead vendor for Java SE Since a JDK includes a JRE, you will install a JDK. Liberty requires a separately installed JRE, and Eclipse requires a JDK. – Where you create Eclipse’s workspaceFor example: /dev/Eclipse/workspace

– Where you install LibertyFor example: /dev/ApplicationServers/wlp- Whatever directory structure you choose, this installation process will need these two directories: Therefore, the wlp directory name used here assumes you’re installing v8.5.5.6.) (You should name the directory after the version of Liberty that you’re installing. Table 1 shows a set of directories that work well. Pretty much any set of directories will work. But Eclipse requires a workspace directory, and Liberty requires an installation directory. The first question is where should you install Eclipse and Liberty? The Java runtime (JRE, JDK, or SDK) is an executable and the Eclipse IDE installs like an executable, so they are typically installed in the computer’s default directory for applications or program files. These steps are explained in detail below. To install Liberty and Eclipse, you will: This section shows how to install and configure a development environment consisting of Eclipse and Liberty. To develop Java applications for Liberty, it’s helpful to have a local development environment consisting not only of the Liberty runtime environment, but also the Eclipse development tools.

To start at the beginning of this series, see WebSphere Liberty: Developing Java EE applications for the cloud.

Next, we’ll discuss common development tasks and how to perform them in this environment, starting with creating a Liberty server using Eclipse. In this excerpt from “ Java EE, the next inception: Install a local Java EE development environment for WebSphere Liberty,” we’ll see how to install a Java EE development environment using Liberty and Eclipse.