
Download everybody's gone to the rapture switch
Download everybody's gone to the rapture switch

This means, of course, that when you do hear sounds, they tend to stick with you. There aren’t even any birds chirping, because they’ve all died. There are none of the noises you associate with modern life, none of the sounds that most of us unthinkingly relegate to background noise: no cars, no computers, not even any buzzing lights. That’s the thing that first hits you when you start playing Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture: it’s so quiet. After the last spasm of humanity, after that whimper, the world is silent. Packed suitcases sitting on beds, waiting for…someone.

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The world ends with a whimper, sure, but there’s more to it than that. Eliot had it partly wrong, at least if you’re going by Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture.

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Developer: The Chinese Room/SCE Santa Monica Studio

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